About Bridge of Hope

Behold, children are a gift of the Lord,
the fruit of the womb is a reward. 
-Psalm 127:3

As advocates for the family, our goal is to promote hope, healing and healthy outcomes during unexpected pregnancies.  Our organization is committed to assisting women by providing emotional support and practical assistance.

Our organization is committed to assisting women to carry to term by providing emotional support and practical assistance. Through the provision of God’s people and community at large, women may face the future with hope and plan constructively for themselves and their babies.

Our Mission

Developing relationships that emphasize hope in meeting goals through encouragement, empowerment, and education.


Our Vision

Facilitating change to the abortion landscape by ministering to the needs of the women and men by teaching the sanctity of life and a lifestyle of sexual purity.

We are a faith-based organization.

Bridge of Hope is an outreach ministry powered by the church of Jesus Christ. We are committed to presenting the gospel of our Lord to women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy.


We are nonjudgmental and discreet.

Our organization never discriminates or declines services based on race, creed, color, national origin, age or marital status. Our team serves without judgment.


We advocate for the entire family.

Bridge of Hope provides services for women and their families. We are committed to help women and men forge their next steps. Our service comes from the heart.

Meet Connie Taylor

Executive Director

Connie Taylor


Connie Taylor, Bridge of Hope executive director, who was once a teen mother herself, intimately understands the panic of an unplanned pregnancy. “When I was 17, I became pregnant and hid it as long as I could,” she said. Though the ramifications felt overwhelming at times, she had her child in August, went back to school in September, and completed her senior year.

Because she has successfully walked this road, Taylor desires to help others see an unplanned pregnancy as a positive experience instead of a crisis. “I get to speak into the lives of women,” she said. “My mission is to equip, encourage, and empower them.”

Read a feature Article about Connie and Bridge of Hope

Featured Team Members

Bruce Taylor

Spotlight on our faithful Founder and Board Member, Bruce Taylor! This guy spent long hours preparing for one of our functions doing what he loves doing. Practicing his art of Barbequing. Some would call he a Pit Master, others just call him Mr. Bruce. You’ll see him around town asking everyone, “how you doing” with a smile. Gotta love him!

Bruce Taylor

Board Member

Pastor Overstreet

We are so grateful for Pastor Overstreet. He makes time to sit with our young men and minister when they don’t know which way to go. Life deals men blows that we women here at Bridge of Hope could never begin to understand let alone begin to minister to the needs of these young men. In steps the mighty Pastor Overstreet. He is most valued by us and we want the world to know how important he is to our communities

Pastor Overstreet


Board, Staff, and Partners

Board Members

Clifford Martin – President
Shannon Morris – Vice President
Audra Morris – Secretary
Michael Santchi – Treasurer
Jason Taber
Bruce Taylor

Team Members

Connie Taylor – Executive Director
David Smith, MD – Medical Director
Elisabeth Putman – Assistant Executive Director and Director of Nursing
Brenda Roberson – Nurse
Margaret Ellis – Client Advocate
Paula Renee Hudson – Client Advocate
Christin Tapp – Client Advocate

Partnerships & Affiliations

Alliance for Life of Missouri
Heartbeat International
Health Care Collaborative (HCC)
House of Hope
Baby Grace
Swaddling Clothes
Lawson Chamber of Commerce
Richmond Chamber of Commerce
Excelsior Springs Area Chamber of Commerce

Client Testimonials

“I found out I was pregnant and 9 months later my Baby boy Jasper was born. He has changed my whole life.  Thank you for being there when I wanted to quit.”

“Hi, I believe you are the place that helped my daughter in the Spring of 2018…  The volunteer invited her to come into the center…and her bf did…They chose life for their sweet daughter.”

“I called after seeing them advertised…The second I walked in they made me feel so welcome.  When I told them my worries, they immediately made me feel powerful …like I could handle it.  2 months later a young girl reached out to me thinking she may be pregnant and asked for my help. I immediately told her about my wonderful experience…”